Monday, February 28, 2011

Comparing Tragedies: Sophocles vs. Miller

Within the plays Oedipus Rex and Antigone, Sophocles created many characters that fit into Aristotle's description of a tragic figure; Sophocles also created many dramatic elements that fit into Aristotle's description of a tragedy. These characters and elements have a lot in common with Arthur Miller's The Death of a Salesman. Identify and explain some of these similarities in regards to tragedy and tragic figures.

Remember that a tragedy focuses on a person of noble birth who has risen to a great height and falls terribly. It shows humans at the mercy of gods or fate.

· In a tragedy, the audience experiences a catharsis (purifying of the emotions).

· The character experiences three stages of development: purpose, passsion, and perception.

1. The play begins with a purpose: finding the source of the plague.

2. As events unfold, the character does some soul-searching and suffers inner agony: the passion.

3. The perception of truth involves a fate that the character would rather not face: death, exile, torture, failure, etc.

To get full credit for this assignment:

  • You must post a minimum of two comments.
  • Each comment should range in length from 150-250 characters.
  • One comment should respond to issues and questions raised within Mr. Gibbons' post.
  • The other comment should either agree or disagree with a classmate while providing support for your opinion.
  • Click on the (Name/URL) option and type your full first and last name.
  • Be specific yet concise.

You can post as many comments as you feel necessary, but two of your comments must follow the above guidelines.

All posts must be school appropriate and relate directly to the topic.