Sunday, January 24, 2016

All the King's Men, Ch. 5-10

Willie Stark did so many great things for his state and even the nation; how he achieved some of those things can be seen as controversial. Was he a corrupt character throughout the entire novel? Support your response with evidence from the novel.

Your response should be approximately 50-words in length. Be sure to use textual evidence when appropriate. Going over or under the suggested word count is acceptable as long as your response is detailed and direct. Also, please review your response for correctness before posting--nothing is worse than an error-ridden post.

You are required to post a minimum of (2) comments. One must respond to the above prompt, and the other should challenge or defend a comment from a classmate.

To comment, simply click on the "comments" link below. Be sure to either login, or type your full name by clicking on the "Name/URL" option.

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