Sunday, May 11, 2014

The Other Wes Moore

Discuss any interesting or confusing aspects of the novel with your classmates.

Your responses should be approximately 50-words in length. Be sure to use textual evidence when appropriate. Going over the suggested word count or under that word count is acceptable as long as your response is detailed and direct. Be sure to read the “Scoring Rubric” before posting your response. Also, review your responses for correctness before posting.

Respond often and in a timely manner. It is okay to post a response and then check back days later to see if anyone has responded to you or asked you a question. You will be able to (and expected to) respond to this post throughout the course of the summer.

Simply click on "Comments" below to post your comment. Be sure to type your full name by clicking on the "Name/URL" option or login to your Google account and post your comment.


  1. Reading this novel has really been eye opening for me. Too many children, teens, and young adults feel they do not have a choice they are born into success or failure. Wes Moore took a stand for kids who think this. He decided to let them know they have the choice its not about your circumstances it is about determination and will power.

  2. I agree with Destiny. After reading "The Other Wes Moore" you understand that not everyone is given great opportunities. Some feel as though they are influenced by their surroundings and by their families in a negative way and they let that shape them into who they become. Wes Moore shared his experiences and story and how he took his influences and childhood and used it in a positive way. He shows that your success is not determined by influence or surroundings but by determination and potential.

  3. This book hit close to home. It shows that any move you make is either towards success or towards failure. I enjoyed the fact it was based on a true story, and how helpful the author was, even leaving options for help. Your the motive for your future, would you rather be in prison for life or a successful author? This gave me such a different perspective on life! I love this book and recommend it to anyone!
