Sunday, May 11, 2014

A Long Way Gone

Discuss any interesting or confusing aspects of the novel with your classmates.

Your responses should be approximately 50-words in length. Be sure to use textual evidence when appropriate. Going over the suggested word count or under that word count is acceptable as long as your response is detailed and direct. Be sure to read the “Scoring Rubric” before posting your response. Also, review your responses for correctness before posting.

Respond often and in a timely manner. It is okay to post a response and then check back days later to see if anyone has responded to you or asked you a question. You will be able to (and expected to) respond to this post throughout the course of the summer.

Simply click on "Comments" below to post your comment. Be sure to type your full name by clicking on the "Name/URL" option or login to your Google account and post your comment.


  1. I've found it interesting that Ishmael and his friends listen to and enjoy the same rappers that were popular in the US at the time. Its cool that we share things in common with people in countries half way around the globe such as Sierra Leone.

  2. The thing that instantly shocked me was Ishmael's description of war. It was absolutely crazy to hear how, as a 12 year old boy, he had to take up so much responsibly and maturity so early and never got to experience the rest of his childhood. I couldn't image anything like it. I feel so bad for him, yet so proud at the same time. He took on a great fight literally and mentally.
