Sunday, April 21, 2013

Do O'Connor's Christian Ideals Come Through?

According to a professor on CliffsNotes' website, "As a writer with professedly Christian concerns, O'Connor was, throughout her writing career, convinced that the majority of her audience did not share her basic viewpoint and was, if not openly hostile to it, at best indifferent. In order to reach such an audience, O'Connor felt that she had to make the basic distortions of a world separated from the original, divine plan 'appear as distortions to an audience which is used to seeing them as natural.' This she accomplished by resorting to the grotesque in her fiction" (CliffsNotes).

Based on the above statement, what message do you think O'Connor is trying to convey to her audience since elements of her writing are slightly satirical? Did she accomplish her goal?

Take your time to think about and draft your response. Remember to review and edit your response before clicking "Publish Your Comment." You also need to attach your name to your post by either signing in to your Google account or clicking on the "Name/URL" option and typing your full first and last name.

Don't forget to respond to the posts of at least two of your classmates.

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