Friday, June 8, 2012

The Grammar Error Scavenger Hunt

Your summer assignment, should you choose to accept it, (and you have to accept it if you want to be in English 101 and 102) is to locate and post grammatical mistakes that you find in advertising. Scour your town, state, even your nation for grammar and punctuation mistakes, and post those mistakes on this website. The mistake can be in the form of a sign outside of a business or an ad in a periodical—I’d rather you not post mistakes from websites, unless the website is a professional website like Wal-Mart or Kroger. Here’s what you need in order to fulfill the summer assignment:

  • A picture of the mistake (if you cannot take a picture, write down the mistake exactly as it appears)
  • The name and location of the company who made the mistake
  • Rewrite the mistake and correct it so that your peers can better identify the error when commenting on the blog.
  • Discuss what meaning(s) someone might take from the advertisement due to the grammatical mistake.
  • Discuss what the meaning of the advertisement should be.
  • If you want, (and this is completely optional) approach or notify the company who made the mistake, and discuss their response on this post.
    • Use caution if you do this. People do not like to look stupid and might take offense to you pointing out an error on a sign that they paid a lot of money for.
  • Because this blog site will not allow you to post pictures, simply email the picture to Mr. Gibbons (, and it will be posted on the main page for everyone to see and discuss.
Mr. Gibbons' Pic
Mr. Gibbons' Pic

Mr. Gibbons' Pic


Along with creating at least one of your own posts, you are required to comment on the posts of at least two different classmates. Try to keep your comments between 50 and 100 words. It’s okay to have several comments of various lengths, but have at least two that fit into the 50 to 100-word limit.

Simply click on "Comments" below to post your comment. Be sure to type your full name by clicking on the "Name/URL" option or login to your Google account and post your comment.

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